Waitlist info for all courses:
Note: Your name will be added to a waitlist and once the minimum of 5 people is reached, you will receive an email for payment to secure your spot in the course.
Online started course: Min 5 people, max N/A
Once a month, first Saturday of the month 2-5pm February to June (February 6, March 6th, April 3rd, May 1st, June 5th). You will need a decent internet connection and access to Google Meet. Where possible a video recording will occur and you will receive a link to watch again later. This is an introductory course, covering bee biology, how and why to get into beekeeping and best practices for hives in Ontario in both urban and rural areas.
One day course: Min 5 people, max 15 people
Once a month from the second Sunday in May until September. A rain date of the following Saturday (e.g. course date May 9th, rain date May 15th. June 13th/June 19th, July 11th/ July 17th, August 8th/ August 14th, September 12th/ September 18th). This is a hands on course, where we will be working with hives, so please come prepared with closed toed shoes, long sleeves and pants. You are encouraged to purchase your own bee protection gear, but there will be some limited suits and jackets to borrow. This is an introductory course, where we will cover honey bee biology in a presentation before proceeding to the beeyard. Here you will have the chance to inspect a hive, interacting with the bees and beginning to understand these wonderful creatures.
Three day course: Min 5 people, max 15 people
Course 1:
Day 1: May 23rd rain date: May 29th
Day 2: July 4th rain date: July 10th
Day 3: August 22nd rain date: August 28th
Course 2:
Day 1: June 6th rain date: June 12th
Day 2: July 18th rain date: July 24th
Day 3: September 5th rain date: September 11th
This is a hands on course, where we will be working with hives, so please come prepared with closed toed shoes, long sleeves and pants. You are encouraged to purchase your own bee protection gear, but there will be some limited suits and jackets to borrow. This course is designed to help beekeepers at three critical times during the season, where a presentation and discussions will occur prior to going out to the beeyard. The first day focuses on opening the hives, splitting and swarm control. The second day focuses on honey supering and what to look for each hive inspection. The third day focuses on honey extraction, feeding and closing down your hive for the year. Hive health and integrated pest management is covered at each meeting.